
Audit Program

auditThe Gerber NCS Audit Service can be used as a complement to your existing Gerber NCS Services or by itself. When the audit service begins, Gerber NCS starts protecting your bottom line by controlling costs on non-program claims. Every invoice billed directly to your company is audited to compare to your pricing parameters.

Should a discrepancy be found, we will negotiate with the glass vendor to arrange better pricing or pay the vendor according to the fair market value determined by your company. When Gerber NCS handles both your in program and non-program claims you get 100% program compliance.

Request a Consultation

Contact Gerber NCS today to request a consultation and review the many claim solutions we offer.

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Gerber NCS is currently seeking professional service providers with a dedication to providing the highest levels of customer service. There is no charge to join our team. Our Member Services team will get you registered and once complete you can start receiving referrals.
